My first "Not Me! Monday" post!! This weekly blog carnival is hosted by MckMama over at My Charming Kids. Her blog is so addicting with her cute stories, cute as pie kiddos, and great photographs...addicting in a not so weird and crazy way. =)
I so did not leave my friend's football party last night in the last quarter because I was so fed up with the Steeler's only to find out this morning that they actually won!! Oh the frustration!
I did not postpone making chicken soup for my sick MIL until today even though it was promised to her on Saturday. I am so not a bad DIL!
I did not REFUSE to drive the new 4runner my hubby and I picked up yesterday until it had a full detail. We so did not buy a truck that was kept a disgusting mess by the previous owners. Nope, not us!
I did not spend my whole morning snazzing up my blog. I am way too busy at work to be messing around on anything but what's due for my 2:00 deadline!
I absolutely did not kick my favorite kitty off the bed last night so I could stretch out some more. All of our animals are treated like royality and I would never make them sleep anywhere other than where they choose. So not my style!!
Hope I followed all the rules correctly for participating in "Not Me! Monday" and I am very much looking forward to getting to know many of you fellow bloggers!
I did not find you through MckMama nor am I putting off reviewing for finals!
Cute post! You have a nice style of writing. I hope to develop my skills through blogging! :)
You did a very good job at your first "Not Me" post! MckMama has a very big community!
p.s. I so do not kick my cute weiner dog out of the bed every so often because she hogs it! And she is so not only 10lbs! hehe
love you first not mes:) they are great! I will post the chicken crossiant roll ups one day this week! i didnt bring the recipe with me today!
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